New Year, New Arabic-language Podcast

This year, in combination with my publishing a book about getting from intermediate-advanced level in Arabic, I wanted to find a way to stay committed to improving my own language. So I’ve started a mostly-Arabic-only podcast.

There are two episodes up already, both from the ‘Jordanian Dialect’ series. This series is recorded with co-host Lina Obeidat, my good friend and Arabic teacher of several years. (Book lessons with Lina on iTalki here. She’s also a regular contributor to’s Levantine materials).

During the first episode, we talked about the winter and the rain in Jordan (where we’re both based), and I learnt about the existence of a period of 40 days when the weather is much colder. In our second episode, we talked about taxis in Amman. We struggled to find many positive things to say about the system or the drivers of taxis, but tried to see things from their perspective. At the end, I learned a new proverb that was appropriate to our discussion.

In the coming weeks I’ll be adding more shows to the podcast. There will be a show focusing on Classical Arabic texts. There will be a show on Modern Literature. Potentially we’ll have a show for Egyptian Colloquial (sigh!) but that depends on my finding someone to host it (let me know if you’re interested).

I’m looking forward to recording more episodes. Please leave a comment over on Soundcloud with any feedback you might have. Also, subscribe on iTunes by clicking on this link or search my name and you should find it. The podcast is also available on Overcast. Just search the name and it’ll show up.

Two Charities Needing Your Support

If you do any kind of end-of-year charitable donations, now would be a good time to support one or both of these organisations.

CAGE works in the UK to advocate on behalf of communities and individuals affected by the so-called War on Terror. They occupy a niche space among UK-based NGOs and the work they do is unique and important. Contribute to their campaign here.

The Kabul Mobile Mini-Circus for Children is a group that I’ve fundraised for in the past. I visited them a few years back in Kabul and it was one of the happiest places I’ve been to. The children seemed to love being there, exploring what they could do through learning new skills, working with each other and so on. They’re building a new training / social / educational centre, and you can support their campaign here.

DevonThink Resurgent

There has never been a better time to get into DevonThink and Tinderbox. Winterfest 2016 is on, and you can get 25% reductions on both those apps, as well as a number of other really useful pieces of software like Scrivener, TaskPaper, Bookends, Scapple and PDFPen.

If you’re unsure if DevonThink is something you’d be interested in, they have a 150-hours-of-use free trial for all their different apps. MacPowerUsers podcast just released a useful overview of the current state of the app — an interview with Stuart Ingram. ScreenCastsOnline also published the first part of a trilogy of video learning materials on DevonThink.

If you’re a Mac user who is perhaps uncomfortable with Evernote’s privacy policies or just seeking to get more out of the data you’ve stored on your hard drive, give DevonThink a try.