
On the interpretability of models

A common criticism of deep learning models is that they are 'black boxes'. You put data in one end as your inputs, the argument goes, and you get some predictions or results out the other end, but you have no idea why the model gave your those predictions.

Ways of interpreting learning in computer vision models - credit

This has something to do with how neural networks work: you often have many layers that are busy with the 'learning', and each successive layer may be able to interpret or recognise more features or greater levels of abstraction. In the above image, you can get a sense of how the earlier layers (on the left) are learning basic contour features and then these get abstracted together in more general face features and so on.

Some of this also has to do with the fact that when you train your model, you do so assuming that the model will be used on data that the model hasn't seen. In this (common) use case, it becomes a bit harder to say exactly why a certain prediction was made, though there are a lot of ways we can start to open up the black box.

Arthur Samuel and the 'Frontier of Automation'

The use of neural networks / architectures is a powerful pattern, but it's worth remembering that this pattern is part of the broader category of machine learning. (You can think of 'deep learning' as a rebranding of neural networks or what was once more commonly referred to as connectionism).

In a classic essay published in 1962, an IBM researcher called Arthur Samuel proposed a way to have computers 'learn', a different process from how we normally code things up imperatively (see my previous post for more on this):

"Suppose we arrange for some automatic means of testing the effectiveness of any current weight assignment in terms of actual performance and provide a mechanism for altering the weight assignment so as to maximise the performance. We need not go into the details of such a procedure to see that it could be made entirely automatic and to see that a machine so programmed would "learn" from its experience"

Within this essay and this quote specifically, we can find some of the key building blocks of machine learning:

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We have our inputs (our data) and our weights. Our weights (or the weight assignments) are variables that allow for different configurations and behaviours of our model. Our results are what the computer has assumed based on the weights and the model, and we have some kind of a metric (our performance) to judge whether this model was accurate or not. The computer then updates the weights based on that performance, tweaking it such that it tries to get better performance.

This is a slightly amended version which language or jargon that are more commonly found today. As you might expect would happen, the language used in the 1960s is in many cases different from what gets used today:

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The main difference here is that we have some labels which are used to know whether the predictions are correct or not. The loss is a way of measuring the performance of our model that is suited for updating our parameters (that used to be referred to as weights).